Freelance Writers Academy Blog Carnival

October 2013 Writing Prompt:

What scares you about being a freelance writer?

Submit below for consideration by September 30, 2013. Submitting is not a guarantee that your piece will be published. You will be notified by email if your piece is chosen for publication. Submission is limited to one per person per month. By submission through this form, you give us permission to publish your post on the Freelance Writers Academy blog, and to use it in full or in part in other works by Freelance Writers Academy in the future.

If we choose to publish, Freelance Writers Academy claims first electronic rights and the non-exclusive, perpetual right to reuse and/or republish your contribution after initial publication. You retain all other right to your work, and can re-post or resell your piece anywhere 30 days after publication on the Freelance Writers Academy blog without contacting us.

By submitting through this form, you confirm that this work is an original creation created by you and that you agree to all the terms listed above.

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Freelance Writers Academy Blog Carnival- Call For Submissions


October 2013 Writing Prompt:


What scares you about being a freelance writer?



Every month we will post a prompt and invite writers to submit posts in response. We will choose up to 2 each week to publish.  We encourage you to publish your piece on your own blog if it is not chosen for our site. 



 At the end of the month, we will publish a blog post with links to all the posts based on the current theme. This is a great way for your blog to gain exposure!





Please be aware that submission does not guarantee that your piece will be published. We will notify you via email if we choose to publish your creation.



If we choose to publish, Freelance Writers Academy claims first electronic rights and the non-exclusive, perpetual right to reuse and/or republish your contribution after initial publication. You retain all other right to your work, and can re-post or resell your piece anywhere 30 days after publication on the Freelance Writers Academy blog without contacting us.


Submit your piece by September 30, 2013 for consideration!




Stop clowning around!



Submit your post and get noticed!